Delicato Wine Club Family

To Join our Wine Club Family call 209-824-3401 or email

Caterina Wine Club Benefits:

As a Caterina Club member, you will enjoy these benefits:

Gaspare Wine Club Benefits:

As a Gaspare Club member, you will enjoy these benefits:

By joining Delicato’s Wine Club, you are committing to pay for and receive at least one Wine Release. Once your commitment has been met, you may cancel or pause your membership by visiting our Wine Shop, reaching out to us by phone or by submitting your request through email. Membership is ongoing and continuous until cancelled.

View our Membership Policy

Wine Shop Address: 12001 S. Hwy 99, Manteca, CA, 95336
Phone: 209-824-3401 or 888-599-4637

By entering the Delicato Tasting Room website, you confirm that you are of age to legally enjoy wine.